Friday, August 29, 2008

My Weekend Crush

I’m shamelessly stealing this idea from Dorothy Surrenders.

I first saw Maggie Gyllenhaal in 'Mona Lisa Smile', in which she played a student who was sexually more open than the times allowed. I fell completely in love with her and her role, so I decided to buy 'Secretary' and that movie made me love her even more. She plays a young woman with a masochistic streak and everything about her in that movie just was right. Maggie has that dark sexual energy that makes her incredibly attractive and her eyes, how I love her eyes. She has such a sparkle in her eyes, I could get lost in them.

Unfortunately, I've only seen one other of her movies, 'The Dark Knight', but she was pretty good in that one too.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The dark knight

I just came home from watching "The Dark Knight" and I'm not really sure what to make of it. It's not one of those movies where you can go "Wow, I really liked that" directly after having seen it, because it's not fun. It's not exactly a fun movie to watch. I couldn't look at Aaron Eckhart's/Harvey Dent's half-blown away face, that was really bad. And I didn't recognise Gary Oldman aka Sirius. I saw his name as the credits rolled and I thought 'Wait, Gary Oldman, the guy from Harry Potter was in this movie? Really?'. What a hair-cut and glasses and a different beard can do. Well, I'll make up my mind eventually, but I feel like I've read too much about the movie to really form an opinion right now. Even though I've avoided most of the stuff that has been in the papers lately.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

'Nuff said

Obama Pictures and McCain Pictures

(PunditKitchen is my new favorite way to kill some time at work.)

Friday, August 22, 2008

My Weekend Crush

I’m shamelessly stealing this idea from Dorothy Surrenders, whose weekend crush this weekend is: Lolo Jones.

When I watched the very last episode of 'Gilmore Girls', I shed a few tears (and I don't cry usually). I didn't even like the last season of Gilmore Girls that much, but I was still so sad to see my favorite lady on TV - at least for a very long time - go. I feel like I grew up with Rory, but hands down, Lorelai always was my favorite. I agree with most fans that Gilmore Girls jumped the shark when Luke's daughter showed up. It wasn't bad after that, but it just never was that good anymore either. I am still hoping for a movie, so that Amy Sherman-Palladino can finally end the series with the 3 words she had in mind since she started working on Gilmore Girls. A large part of the attraction of the show was Lauren Graham, who I believe is even crazier and funnier than Lorelai. Check out her first appearance on TEDS:

She clearly is funny and smart and she has something innocently raunchy about her - no, that's not oxymoron, watch 'Bad Santa' and you'll know what I'm talking about. Sadly, I haven't seen many of her movies, but to me her favorite part will ultimately always be Lorelai Gilmore. The way she delivered her lines, her comedic genius and, at the same time, how she was able to seem so vulnerable, still makes me angry that she didn't win an Emmy or Golden Globe for her acting. I love Lauren Graham and I can't wait for the Gilmore Girls movie to happen so I can have at least some 'Lauren fix'. And while I wait for that to happen, I'll happily go back to watching old episodes of Gilmore Girls - 'cause they are still funny and heart-touching and make me swoon.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Grey's spoilers really start rolling in!

I think I might have mentioned it before, I generally try to stay clear of spoilers, due to numerous reasons. Mainly, you never know how reliable a spoiler is and it's just way more fun to be surprised. But with the way the Erica/Callie relationship ended last season, it has been very hard for me to resist. I worry about what will happen with them and I just want to be sure that there will be a Callica-relationship.

So, spoiler warning! Another cute Brooke video surfaced, again from the press tour that the other videos I've already seen were from. I wonder why they held it back!?!

I think it's kinda cute that they are avoiding each other. Did you notice the smile when she said "Sandra" - they played lovers *hehe*.

At the 'Television without pity forum', someone uploaded a TV Guide article (huge thanks!). It seems that McSteamy is in the picture to play Cupid, not to get involved with either of them, which is a huge relieve to me! And look at that picture of Erica and Mark.

It looks like Erica will actually wear curls in the new season!! I know that I'm obsession about her hair, but I just love her curls, I can't help it. Secret turn-on for me (okay, maybe not so secret).

(BTW, sorry for the 'double post', but I didn't want to mix the two topics.)

The happily married couple

Now that it's 'official', I feel like I can post their picture here:

They look so happy and healthy and perfect, just the way it's supposed to be. They always look so happy, you can practically see their love in their pictures.

"My secret to making my relationship work? I think finding the right person. And, you know, you just find somebody that just clicks. It's just that thing were you go, sometimes, you know when you're doing a jigsaw puzzle and the piece looks like it should fit exactly but it doesn't and you try to squeeze it in and it somehow works but you know it's not the right piece but you're lazy so you leave that piece there. You just got to find that right piece and she's the right piece. That sounds really dirty in a way. (laughs). I found the right piece. Quote me on that."

How could you not love her?

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Eleven down, seven to go

Yesterday and today, work was actually good. I had a workload that filled my day and time flew yesterday, amazing how our perception of time can differ depending on how we spend it!

If you haven't seen the latest "This just out" episode, go watch it now! And I mean right now!! Clementine Ford might just be the best.guest.ever. I had no idea how hilarious she was. Liz and Clementine played 'Seven Minutes in Heaven' which lead to the now already infamous dialog:

Liz: "Thanks for showing me your boobs."

Clementine: "Thanks for letting me touch your

So hilarious! And Liz' reaction was hilarious as well, she couldn't keep herself from laughing so hard. I wonder whether she wrote that joke or whether Clementine improvised it.

Today, it was insanely hot and as soon as I got home, I changed into my tankini (I even went into the pool for 5 seconds!). While I watered the flowers in our driveway, our neighbor came over to chat and we talked about the weather for what felt like an eternity! The thing is he couldn't stop from staring at my breasts the whole time! I have to admit that my tankini shows off quite a bit of my cleavage, but for heaven's sake, age wise he could be my grandfather! His daughter is probably 15 years older than I am and he knew me since I was born, so you would think that he could keep his eyes off of my breasts. But no, during the whole conversation his eyes traveled down to my breasts repeatedly while I looked into his eyes! I was so creped out, I wanted to get a towel and cover myself. I don't care what other women say, men staring at my boobs, especially older men staring at my boobs, does not feel like a compliment! I don't know whether this has anything to do with me being gay but I hate it when men stare so openly. Luckily, it doesn't happen that often, because I don't show much cleavage often, but they could at least try to not stare and look secretly. I know that their peripheral vision is worse than women's, but still. I check out other ladies too sometimes, but I don't just stare at their breasts, I take in the whole person. Start at the face and maybe let my eyes wander a bit, but I would never stare like that. Don't they get that it is creepy as hell?

Monday, August 18, 2008

A weekend well spent

I had a long weekend as Friday was a catholic holiday and I really enjoyed it!! It was raining buckets on Friday and Saturday, so I spent the days camped out in from of our new, huge TV-screen.

On Saturday, I met a dear friend, Ms. A., to watch 'The Mummy' at the movies. It was okay, funny at times and I loved Maria Bello - even though I prefer her as a 'darker/sexier' character (think 'A History of Violence'). After the film we went back to my place and watched the end of 'Garfield' (not good, strange animation), '50 First Dates' (cute!), parts of a Madonna concert from her 'Confessions tour' (amazing!!). There was one interlude in which voices talked about child abuse, self injury and gang wars and her dancers did an interpretive dance - that part was so powerful it took my breath away!

On Sunday, I camped out on the couch again, watching reality TV and parts of 'I'm going to tell you a secret', which was really interesting. I always thought that Madonna must be pretty smart, just because she's so versatile and she said some really interesting, smart things in the documentary. It made me like her even more. I never realized how political her shows are, pretty impressive!

Today, work was actually really good, I had a lot to do and I did most of the work on my own and the time passed pretty quickly! The length of a day can feel so different when you have things to do. I feel really accomplished! I also already started planning which courses I will take next term, more about that maybe some other time.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Pink, Madonna, Ellen & Portia

Previous Weekend Crush Pink released a new single called "So What" which is a message to her ex-husband Cary Hart. What happened to 'best friends with a huge amount of love and respect for one another'? I like the new song, but I'm not sure whether I really love it. Some excerpts from "So What":

"I guess I just lost my husband
I don't know where he went
So I'm gonna drink my money
I'm not gonna pay his rent"

"What if this song's on the radio
Then somebody's gonna die
I'm gonna get in trouble
My ex will start a fight"

I have to say the lyrics are pretty damn good. I can't wait for more singles to be released, the album is going to be released October 28th.

Madonna turned 50 today! Happy Birthday to her majesty. Whether you like her music or not, I think we all have to agree that she's a genius, she has reinvented herself so many times it's amazing. I generally like her music, I keep dancing to "4 Minutes".

Ellen and Portia are getting married this weekend!! All love and happiness to my favourite IRL couple, you deserve it!

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Weekend Crush

I’m shamelessly stealing this idea from Dorothy Surrenders, whose weekend crush this weekend is: Shirley Manson.

This week, Austrian swimmer Mirna Jukic won her first Olympian medal in the 100m breaststroke race. This medal is also the first Austrian medal for the female swimming team won by a single athlete. In 1999, Mirna Jukic and her family were force to flee from war-torn Croatia to Austria. Mirna was 13 years old and the first thing she did was learn to speak German. When you hear her accent you might actually think that she was born and raised in Vienna.

In 2001, Mirna drew attention to her talent and hard work by winning her first two silver medals at the European Short Course Championships in Antwerp. Her first gold medals followed the next year at the European Championships. She continued to make a name for herself (1 bronze medal, 2 gold medals, 1 silver medal) and was voted 'Austrian Sportspersonality of the Year' in 2002.

In 2005, Mirna fell ill (Pfeiffer's disease) and had to take a break from training for a year. When she told her father, who is also her trainer, that she wanted to go back to swimming, he agreed, but stated that they would train for a medal at the Olympics. Seems to have worked out just fine.

Mirna with her father and brother Dinko, also a swimmer

Mirna seems very nice and good-natured in interviews. She is proud to be Austrian (she received the citizenship in 2000) and proud of her heritage. She is the perfect example of how immigrants can integrate themselves into society and I'm sure she also is a role model for young girls, especially athletes.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

An epiphany worth two years of my life

I had an epiphany last night. A lovely friend said something to me that made everything fall into place.

"I think you are ready for a real holiday, after the year you've just had."

Let me elaborate: I've been feeling restless and like I'm constantly running on adrenaline lately. Scratch that, I've been feeling like that for a long time. I know that I'm stressed out when I can't enjoy having nothing to do. The train rides between Innsbruck and home felt like torture because I couldn't just sit still for three hours. Even though I had plenty of things to do, even though I had my laptop with me to distract me, I still was internally pacing. Here's a short overview of what happened in my life in the last two years (because one year doesn't seem enough):

  • I had a stressful last year in high school
  • I felt ill for approx. 2 months
  • I went to numerous doctors (all specialists), who all told me I was perfectly healthy
  • One doctor told me that my energy balance is so off it doesn't surprise her that I felt ill
  • Said doctor told me to deal with it, because after two sessions it still hadn't improved much (and that's the doctor who normally works wonders with my health)
  • I passed my final exams with distinction
  • I left behind friends and teachers that still have a place in my heart
  • As my class had gotten into a huge fight with our form teacher (my first *huge* crush), I left with things not being okay between me and her
  • 4 days later I went on our 'final' trip with one ex-best friend and one best friend
  • I had a bad fight with my then best friend on the third day of our vacation
  • 2 days after I came home I started to work for a month
  • I had the whole month of August "off"
  • My parents were in Namibia for three weeks and I heard from them about 4 times, so I spent three weeks worrying about my parents
  • I cleaned up and sorted through all my stuff
  • I got ready to move to a different country
  • I moved to Belgium to work there as an au-pair
  • I moved back home after two weeks of hell
  • I decided, within three days, what and where to study
  • I moved to Innsbruck and got ready for University within two weeks
  • I moved to a town in which I didn't know anyone, started living with two complete strangers
  • I met new people and made friends, which was hard because I'm not sociable
  • I started to cook about 4-7 meals a week (I didn't cook before)
  • I struggled/still struggle with healthy eating habits and my weight
  • I did my own laundry, cleaned my room and our flat and basically did everything you have to do when you move out
  • I took care of all of my stuff, the things I didn't take care of are still unfinished
  • I lived three hours away from my parents and only saw them 3-7 days a month
  • I struggled with my parents getting older practically in front of my eyes (my dad has high blood pressure)
  • In my first term, I took French 1, English 2 and statistics, three very hard and time-consuming classes
  • I turned 20
  • I fell ill (angina) and just as I was about to get better, I fell ill again (sinusitis)
  • I went home while ill and on pain meds because I thought I was going to die alone
  • I prepared for and wrote 5 exams on one day - and passed them all!!
  • I took French 2 in my second term - which was about twice as much work as French 1
  • My brother got married
  • I failed an exam that I had found easy
  • I had two weeks of vacation in my hometown, filled with visiting family and seeing friends
  • I started work two weeks ago and it is boring me to death, which is as bad as being overstrained
  • What I want and what I have is worlds apart

Any questions why I feel exhausted?

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Pure randomness

I recently saw a new picture of Patrick "McDreamy" Dempsey on the set of Grey's and then fired up google to see if I could find a picture of Brooke or Sara, but didn't. So imagine my glee when I visit to Grey's Anatomy Insider and find this:

*YAY*. For two reasons: 1) Those glasses - how cool can one person be? 2) Her hair - I admit it could be curlier, but it still is pretty curly and looks different than last season, so I'm excited already!! I hope that that picture was taken after hair and makeup, because I need to see some curly hair going on with Erica!! I really need to visit GA Insider more often, I am usually pretty up-t- date with all the good fansites and links, but I somehow hadn't gotten into that one yet. But now I'm not going to let this site slip from my sight again!

Added new blog to the blogroll, well, actually a LJ journal. This girl has some really funny and interesting comments about Grey's Anatomy and Callica and she can write some mean fanfic (Callie/Izzie one-shot).

I'm feeling sort of random right now. At lunch today my mum told me she's worried about me because she thinks I live in two parallel universes. Duh! I tried to explain to her that that is not a bad thing and that being online so much basically keeps me sane. Or as sane as I am. Because if I didn't read and write Callica fanfiction and if I didn't watch old Grey's Anatomy episodes to rave about Callie's scenes I might as well have myself admitted.

I feel a bit bad for Liz. In the last "This just out", she told Raimy that she thinks more girls are into Raimy than into her. I kind of think that she might be right, I have a huge crush on Raimy as well. But for Liz it must be a bit weird because it's her show and she does most of the work. She did mention it for a reason - mainly to make Raimy feel better about the way she looks (as in not being thin), but I wonder how she really feels about that.

Friday, August 8, 2008

My Weekend Crush

I’m shamelessly stealing this idea from Dorothy Surrenders, whose weekend crush this weekend is: Penelope Cruz. Hmmh, yummy.

The first real pop/rock concert that I went to was one of Pink's "Try this" concerts in Vienna in 2004. My parents had originally planned on us going on vacation that weekend, but I so badly wanted to go to the concert that after three days of me ignoring them COMPLETELY, they finally agree to postpone the holiday. Believe me, it was worth it! I've been a Pink fan since her second album made her famous in Europe and seeing her perform live is even better than her CD's. I've been to two concerts of her concerts in Vienna and even though I can't compare it to anything else because hers are the only concerts I've been to, I can say that she's an amazing singer and performer. She might not have the best light effects or the most elaborate show, but her voice is really great and her costumes make up for the special effects that she doesn't use. Pink trains her body to get ready for her tours and believe me, it's worth it. Anyone who's ever stood in the second row at one of her concerts and saw her perform in what I would describe as underwear knows what I'm talking about. Pink is hot!

Pink has been in the news lately due to her divorce and her rumoured new girlfriend/boyfriend (depending on the gossip magazine). The singer has been fairly open in the past, saying that she is bisexual and has had relationships with men and women. Honestly, her playing for my team doesn't hurt either. I sure love a woman who speaks her mind and is smart and strong, as well as funny!! It seems that I'm not the only gay lady who loves Pink for the kind of girls she represents, her concerts in Vienna were like huge lesbian gatherings. Talk about girl power! Her songs also really convey her great attitude, that it's better to be who you are than to try and fit in.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Humiliation, thy name is Nelfy

Me, Nelfy, has written about sex. Not just about sex, I've written about two people having sex. Not just written, but DESCRIBED, in detail, the sex. Me! Inexperienced me! Yeah, I'm laughing too. More at the situation at whole than at me. Or maybe I'm laughing at myself not because I wrote about sex, but that I'm humiliated by writing about sex. Actually, I'm not humiliated about writing about sex that much, I'm humiliated about someone else reading what I wrote about sex.

In the last few days, I've been writing the chapter in my fic in which Callie and Erica finally get intimate and writing this has been more difficult than I thought. The language part and the lack of experience part both played roles in why I couldn't write it, but mainly it sounded kind of awkward. Not the story itself, but the writing. Today, finally posted it and I really hope that my readers approve. I wrote 5 and 1/2 pages with little content, just them getting it on. As humiliating this is, it also feels kinda good. Seeing that we might not be getting any of this IRL - or rather ORT (on real television).

Today, I finally got the grade from my Strategy & Marketing exam and I failed! I don't know how that happened, I answered all questions and with most of them I was sure that I got it right! This sucks so much, they offer ONE day on which you can take a look at your exam and why you got the grade that you got and it's in three weeks, which means that I have to take a day off from work to go to Innsbruck just because of this damn exam. They give out dates in the holidays, what kind of crap is that? In Innsbruck, I would guess more than 50 % of the students don't actually live in Innsbruck, probably at least 1/3 lives abroad. So basically they completely ignore the fact that for a lot of students it's not just a thirty minute drive to university, it's a day trip to get there and back home. I really don't like the university in Innsbruck right now ... *goesofftofume*.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Three down, sixteen to go

On Monday, I started working in the media department of the local chamber of commerce, and somehow, the word 'boring' doesn't even begin to describe the job. It's not that the work they let me do is that boring, they simply don't have that much work for me. With the assignments they give me I can fill about 4 of the 8 hours I'm working each day - and that's me working as slowly as humanly possible. Yesterday and today, all three secretaries were at the office, which meant that I didn't have a computer to use. Luckily, one of the secretaries went on leave today, so starting tomorrow, I'll at least have a computer to pass the time. I don't feel comfortable surfing the web the way I do at home, because it still is work and who knows what kind of supervision they have in place. The website of the main Austrian TV-station is blocked, I couldn't access it today, so they obviously try to monitor their staff. I figured, it's only sixteen more days, I earn some money and I have some time to finally write all those emails that I've been wanting to write in ages. Today, I already cleaned out my inbox, which was long overdue, so I'm going to use the free time being semi-productive.

Apart from work, not much is going on. I'm writing a naughty chapter for my fanfic and having trouble with the flow of the events, but I'll probably figure out a way to make the story progress naturally. On the plus side, I've already got loads of ideas for new chapters, so I'm looking forward to writing those.

I'm off to bed, work starts at 7.30 am!! I'm not used to getting up this early, however, I only work till 4.30 pm and only till 1.30 pm on Fridays, so I'll have a "longer" weekend. *Yay*

Sunday, August 3, 2008

My Weekend Crush

What, 'no weekend crush?' you might have been wondering? Well, yeah. I have been feeling very uninspired and I didn't feel like forcing myself to write a Weekend Crush that I don't feel. So, sorry guys, but no crush this weekend. The only two people I haven been crushing this week are Sara Ramirez and Brooke Smith and I feel like this could be getting old for you.

I've been so busy since I came back to my home town, socialising and going out to dinner, the movies, shopping... I am exhausted. Even though it's fun and all, but it still was a lot for me, especially since I'm used to being alone a lot. My parents of course want to spend time with me too, since I'm only here for another month. So, the blog has been a bit deserted lately. I'm planning on writing more again, we'll see how that works out with work starting tomorrow.

I'm going to work for the local chamber of commerce for a month and I really hope that I get to do some interesting work. I'm going to have to get used to getting up so early again, work starts at 8! The earliest that my classes at university started were 9 and that was still too early for me. Well, I'm going to get used to it, it's only four weeks. Time flies so fast anyways, that I will blink and then it's time again to go to Innsbruck.