So, spoiler warning! Another cute Brooke video surfaced, again from the press tour that the other videos I've already seen were from. I wonder why they held it back!?!
I think it's kinda cute that they are avoiding each other. Did you notice the smile when she said "Sandra" - they played lovers *hehe*.
At the 'Television without pity forum', someone uploaded a TV Guide article (huge thanks!). It seems that McSteamy is in the picture to play Cupid, not to get involved with either of them, which is a huge relieve to me! And look at that picture of Erica and Mark.
It looks like Erica will actually wear curls in the new season!! I know that I'm obsession about her hair, but I just love her curls, I can't help it. Secret turn-on for me (okay, maybe not so secret).
(BTW, sorry for the 'double post', but I didn't want to mix the two topics.)
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